LS CancerDiag Rebrands to Lynsight

The Lynsight Blog

Thank you for being the women you are!

International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th to bring attention to gender equality, women’s rights, and issues that women face around the world.

LS CancerDiag takes pride in having significant female representation as an organization. More than 70% of our permanent staff comprises women, which is relatively uncommon in the STEM field that has been historically male-dominant.

At LS CancerDiag, we strongly believe in hiring the best talent, including recognizing the commitment, precision, and contribution anyone brings to our company. Women have contributed immensely to our innovation, R&D, processes, and administration. We want to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and dedication of the women in our company:

LS CancerDiag would not be the same without you all, and we want to thank you for being the amazing women you are!

We also want to express our gratitude and admiration to all the women who join us in our efforts to combat cancer mortality daily. This includes industry experts, the scientific community, patient organizations, and individuals who have been affected by cancer in some way. Words cannot fully express our respect and gratitude for your contributions to our mission.

This year, the United Nations calls on everyone to participate in International Women’s Day with the theme ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’ and use the hashtag #InvestInWomen to take a stand. We want to support this cause and continue to invest in women, whether by creating job opportunities, providing care, or showing appreciation to the significant women in our lives, such as our mothers, wives, daughters, and friends. Thank you for being yourselves and being there for us!


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International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th to bring attention to gender equality, women’s rights, and issues that women face around the world.

LS CancerDiag takes pride in having significant female representation as an organization. More than 70% of our permanent staff comprises women, which is relatively uncommon in the STEM field that has been historically male-dominant.

At LS CancerDiag, we strongly believe in hiring the best talent, including recognizing the commitment, precision, and contribution anyone brings to our company. Women have contributed immensely to our innovation, R&D, processes, and administration. We want to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and dedication of the women in our company:

LS CancerDiag would not be the same without you all, and we want to thank you for being the amazing women you are!

We also want to express our gratitude and admiration to all the women who join us in our efforts to combat cancer mortality daily. This includes industry experts, the scientific community, patient organizations, and individuals who have been affected by cancer in some way. Words cannot fully express our respect and gratitude for your contributions to our mission.

This year, the United Nations calls on everyone to participate in International Women’s Day with the theme ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’ and use the hashtag #InvestInWomen to take a stand. We want to support this cause and continue to invest in women, whether by creating job opportunities, providing care, or showing appreciation to the significant women in our lives, such as our mothers, wives, daughters, and friends. Thank you for being yourselves and being there for us!